最新数据 索尼占全球最大传感器市场份额

来源:蜂鸟网   发布时间:2015-12-23 11:55:31 


最新数据 索尼占全球最大传感器市场份额

“与内存芯片不同,生产图像传感器需要复杂的技术和加工工艺,这不是竞争对手在短期内通过复制可以得到的技术。”根据东京调研公司技术系统研究的分析师 英明三轮说,索尼去年销售的传感器占所有图像传感器的40%,从2013年到调查结束OmniVision的市场份额由35%变为16%,其次是三星占 15%。通过总销售额图像显示,今年的传感器增长,估计达到8.65十亿,比去年增长80%以上。自2009年以来一些分析师就开始预计索尼将应对的最大 挑战是产能能否跟上市场需求。从长远来看,索尼对苹果过于依赖,有时也会体现供应商的弱势。firmIHS公司的半导体分析师悟小山认为,如果有一家公司 可以符合索尼的质量和价格,苹果可能会考虑购买图像传感器以适用于苹果手机。

来自华尔街日报原文:“Unlike memory chips, making image sensors requires craftsmanship, and that's not something competitors can copy in the short term,” says Hideaki Miwa, analyst at Techno Systems Research Co. According to the Tokyo research firm, Sony sold 40% of all image sensors last year, up from 35% in 2013. OmniVision's market share was 16%, followed by 15% for Samsung. Total sales of image sensors grew to an estimated .65 billion last year, up more than 80% since 2009. Some analysts say keeping up with demand might be Sony's biggest immediate challenge. In the long run, Sony could be vulnerable because of its dependence on Apple, which sometimes has shifted suppliers with little warning. Satoru Oyama, a semiconductor analyst at research firmIHS Inc., says Apple likely would consider buying image sensors for iPhones elsewhere if another company could match Sony's quality and price.”


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